Pronto Tax System - uTax Software Screenshot
Pronto Tax System - uTax Software Screenshot
Pronto Tax System - uTax Software Screenshot

What Are Members Saying About this Package?

I absolutely love this software package! I've used it for 2 years now and I love how it is so easy to use. It tells me exactly what errors I need to correct.

Cindy Bernal

Cindy Bernal Bookkeeping & Tax Services
Bakersfield, CA

Frequently Asked Questions:

When does the new version of the software come out?

Is there a way I can download a trial version or demo?

Where can I watch more live videos of the software in action?

Will you help me convert my client database from my old software?

Can I convert my client database no matter which software I have been using?

Do I need my own Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) from the IRS to use this software?

I see tax software that's cheaper than these prices.

What does "plug and play" email marketing mean?

What does "plug and play" Tax Marketing Power Pack mean?

What does "Low Cost, Effective Facebook Advertising Training" mean?

Tell me about the support please...

Does this software include Puerto Rico returns?

Are there additional fees on a per return basis?

Are there additional fees for different states?

Is there a fee to use e-signatures (remote signature) within the software?

Can this software help me set up a paperless business?

I want to make sure I'll have good support.

Can I download the software on multiple computers, such as putting one copy on my desktop and one copy on my laptop?

Does the software include corporate and partnership tax return forms as well as individual?

Can Pronto Tax School Mentors provide me with direct tax support as part of this package?

Are there any other charges I should be aware of before I purchase?

Do you have a money back guarantee on this software?